Friday, November 24, 2006

Cosmic Gate

Today I suffered through work after only having two hours of sleep. Why? Last night was the Cosmic Gate concert. Thats right, I caved in and bought the ticket to that show as well. That means I spent over $80 in tickets this month. I haven't been to a good show in quite a while so I justified my purchase from that point of view. I will tell you this much, it was well worth it. Not only did I miss out on a lot of sleep but I even risked my life to see this show.
Early yesterday morning there was a police advisory all over the news calling for drivers to stay off the road at all costs. To say that the weather was rather uncooperative would be a massive understatement. As a result of this unsavoury weather the entire city fell into pure chaos (The real issue being our world famous suckass drivers) and instantly my memorable night was in jeapordy. Such an advisory was not to be taken lightly though and I began to consider missing the show in favour of keeping both my car and my limbs intact. However I had spent the money already and I've been developing a bad case of cabin fever for the last couple of weeks. I decided to risk it and I have yet to regret it.
The opening dj's were fantastic and in an effort to conserve energy I did everything in my power to not go completely nuts. A good call. Cosmic Gates set was insane. Despite there being two members of the band only one dj took command and with such skill that security had too literally keep the ladies from falling all over the guy. I kid you not. (Also kudo's to security for completely owning a fight that had barely even started.) I cannot even begin to describe the fun that was had that night, you'll just have to take my word for it. It was a blast.

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