Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Death Trance

Thanks to a coworker, make that two, I was in the worst possible mood yesterday. The kind of mood you just can't shake or get over, no matter how hard you try. Unless of course it involves alcohol and a good escapist movie.
My alcohol choice was weak, literally, a vodka chocolate concoction that contained a mere 5% of goodness.
The movie was infinitely better. Probably one of the coolest things Ive seen in ages to tell you the truth. Ive read the cover a couple of times at Blockbuster but every single time it was rented out. Yesterday was my lucky day. There is not an action movie hollywood has put out this year that is this cool. Its beyond words, really.
If you checked the link you'll see its a Japanese movie. It has an english version but the thought of it gives me shivers. Its classified as an adventure movie and I guess that would be the best way to describe it. At first you could mistake it for a typical fantasy. It has the mystical forest, the monks, rogues, martial arts and the flashy sword play. Then one of the characters pulls out a revolver (loaded with a billion shots of course). If that doesn't screw you up wait until another character rides in on a motorcycle. Seriously. Its sounds a little campy but its the kind of campiness (?) that makes the Kill Bill movies so cool.
Its been a while since Ive seen anything this entertaining. The unconventional ending is so perfect it almost makes me want to immediately start the movie again. If a Hollywood writer could come up with such an idea he wouldn't dare run with it.
Just see it. Ill pay for it if I have to.

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