Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Enter Sandman

Could it get better; After six consecutive days of complete insanity and very little sleep I have rightfully earned my three days off. My weekend, if you will. I was even allowed to leave work early due to too much staff and too little work. This would be the first such incident I've experienced since being hired I might add. Better yet I have accomplished so much in the last couple of days that I have few responsibilities left to worry about. The best part is that I finally recieved 13 cd's recently purchased on ebay. Therefore I will still be loosing sleep but this time in the good name of FAT BEATS.
What could be a better way of kicking it all off then with a movie and a friend. I went to see "The Illusionist" with Edward Norton and Jessica Beil. Not actually with them, sadly, they merely starred in it. Currently only one theatre in Edmonton carries it and, as I am told, only for a single week. Of course it was Jessica Beil that I went to see but as an added bonus the movie ended up being quite good. I thought it was a touch on the predictable side but it was very well done and a pleasure to watch.
Now, to those beats . . .

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