Monday, September 18, 2006


"If I ever get the chance to make my own video, I totally have to look up this Director" I told a good friend of mine. She is one of the few friends I have who will actually sit down and watch an entire concert dvd with me. Coldplay and Van Halen were the last two she had yet to see. I've already been dying for some time to watch Coldplay recently, so I made the decision when the question "Now what do we watch" came up.
There was a discussion at work about how listening to Coldplay makes you automatically gay if your a guy and your not trying to make a girl horny. The topic came up after we noticed that Superstores in-store radio plays Coldplay a couple of times a day, every day. Trust me, Im straight as you can get but Chris Martin's songwriting talent can not be denied.
Thats the major factor that makes this dvd absolutely amazing. Im not the bands biggest fan and Im not familiar with a lot of the songs on this dvd. That makes every new viewing a rather exciting experience for me. There is not a song on this dvd that I don't like. Everylast one is amazing and well performed.
The other factor that makes this dvd so perfect is the unbelievable editing. This film is the very definition of a slick production. Pure eye candy. My only vice is that the camera never stays on a subject long enough for you to fully enjoy the scene. Thats just part of the genius of this particular editing style though. You never get a sense of atmosphere, as if you were watching this concert take place in a dream instead of a stadium.
As conclusion, for the rest of you straight guys, may I mention that my friend did admit to getting pretty worked up.

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