Sunday, September 24, 2006


Overheard while leaving the theatre after MI3:
"I thought there was too much talking"
Overheard after a showing of Superman Returns:
"I thought there would be more action."
Oveheard today while leaving Fearless
"I thought there would be more fight scenes."

Have we been so deprived of plot and character development that we can't even recognize such things when they are presented to us?

Also would it be such such a bad thing for a Jet Li fan to review a Jet Li movie? Who else will go to see this movie other than a fan?

Of course I am going to say it was awesome. It totally was. You can even say you saw that coming long before the movie was even filmed. I will even admit to liking it before even buying the ticket. The fact that this movie still managed to completely blow me away is greatly worth noting. Im not even going to bother doing up any fancy review. If you are any kind of a fan, this is a must see. If not, why see it at all?

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