Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mary Win

Mary Win is an exceptionally talented singer songwriter based in Seattle. I first came across her music on YouTube where she recently had this amazing video featured. After viewing a few of her other video's I decided to subscribe. I was very pleasantly suprised when she emailed me back with her thanks. Taking a chance, I replied with my compliments and inquired about a colloboration. Astonishingly enough she agreed, and sent me the master tracks to one of her songs. After pushing my luck she even agreed to answer a few questions:

JS: My first question is an old one but a good one: How do you find inspiration and overcome writers block?
MW: The inspiration for my songs are mainly from life experiences, I don't have to think very hard to achieve a full set of lyrics or melody for those. Other songs are written by will or purposely for a specific reason. Overcoming writer's block hasn't been a problem for me at this point in my life, as I've had many inspirations.
JS: My parents (like any loving parent) support my music but stress "a fall back" career. Are you shooting for a career in music and if not what else would you be doing? In one of your video's you mentioned an interest in science and technology.
MW: I have chosen music as an occupation and am pushing it hard as I can. In the case my songwriting is no longer marketable to a large enough audience and fails to generate enough of a profit for me to live solely off of my songwriting then I would move "my music career" to the "back burner" and concentrate on owning a small home run business.
JS: I come from the grunge era where anybody can pick up a guitar and string three chords together and call yourself a musician. You know your guitar and your confidence is striking, clearly you have some training. What are your thoughts on the importance of music theory, practice and technical proficiency in relation to songwriting and performing.
MW: On music theory, I've had eight years of classical training and stage performances with Bb Clarinet all throughout my schooling. It undoubtedly adds to my abilities as a singer/songwriter and performer. I personally believe that some musical training earlier in life can definitely add to one's musical abilities as a songwriter/performer. Though, I do not recommend or advise parents literally shoving (sometimes) their children into vocal/guitar lessons at such young ages. I know it only deadens one's abilities to find their own original sound. Anyone can, to quote you John, "pick up a guitar and string three chords together to call themselves a musician" then slap on the title grand old title of "original singer/songwriter". But, unless they have their own, distinctly unique sound the chances of them actually becoming a renowned professional musician/performer are very slim. Of course, there is always a market for a "canned" or specific sounds and always will be. That I know from being a part of the music industry as well as an original songwriter. Lastly, the power of three chords if done properly, can't be denied.
JS: Youtube has been good to you. Do you have any thoughts on how youtube, or the digital movement in general, will impact the music business?

MW:YouTube has undoubtedly made an impact on the music business. In the digital age artists should start depending less on the revenue a recorded song might generate and instead use it as a vehicle to generate interest in live performances. Though, I'll mention that neither way has generated any significant income for myself *smile*.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New Song!

Thanks to a little inspiration and enough time to follow it through I have finally completed another song. Well, relatively complete anyways. As with all my music its never truly finished and until I can afford a decent pair of studio monitors it will never be properly mixed either. However I consider it complete enough to post.

Its very trance influenced and because of its slow but epic build I named it "Euphoria". I created this song to use live and to enhance the atmosphere the song creates Ive purposely made it a little repetative. I do plan to fill it in a little bit, fatten up the leads and possibly add another keyboard. However Im in love with the simplicity of it and Ill wait for some feedback before I start playing with it again. For certain I will add a vocal sample but Im waiting for the perfect sample to accompany this song. It was about time I posted something new however, so there you go. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


This photograph was taken in the kids section at Granville Island. The aspiring photographer in me is always on the look out when I have a decent camera in my hand and when I saw this scene I couldnt resist the urge to capture it. Thanks to the wonders of digital photography I could tell instantly that I needed to retake it. However by that time the parents of both kids quickly picked each up in there arms and scurried them away from the creepy native guy with the camera. I guess I can't blame them, I might have done the same in there situation. However it is a sad testiment to the world we live in today. It would have been a great shot.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thank God.

Being the complete bum that I am, I don't get to go on very many vacations. So when my parents booked one and asked me if I wanted to come I never even considered thinking it over. I was not going to get left behind. I put my request in at work for time off and patiently waited for an approval. After weeks of uncertainty I finally got a thumbs up and I couldnt possibly be any happier. I only get one week but its a week not spent at work and a week not spent in Edmonton. Im slowly starting to warm up to this city but sometimes I really need to get out. Right now is one of those times.

So where am I going? An even bigger city! Vancouver. Not a likely choice for a vacation but had the decision been mine it would have been the same. Not only does my oldest brother live here but I will also finally get to satisfy my deep desire to explore a modern major metropolis. It also provides me the perfect opportunity to familiarize myself with Vancouver so that I may play here in the future. Needless to say I will totally be going as a tourist and will likewise be posting about my various experiences right here.

Only half my time will be spent in Vancouver however as I will also be visiting my aunt in Kelowna. I'm honestly more excited about this part of my trip and I greatly look forward to the sunshine, the beauty and the relaxation.

After years of hard work I finally get some real time off. I leave tommorow but is still isnt soon enough.

Update: My trip to Vancouver was without a doubt the highlight of my summer. Exploring Vancouver was a blast and being in Kelowna again was a dream. I would have loved to have been able to put together a proper post to relate my experiences but I can't gather the words to express the time I had. All I can say is that it was much to short and next summer I will be much better prepared.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Tiesto: August 24, 2007

Ive never been both extremely excited and deeply saddened at the same time. I've been waiting very patiently for this and so had Tomena. In fact I couldn't imagine going with anybody else. The show is scheduled to be at the Shaw Conference Center and should be a complete blast. Ill go alone if I have to but Im a sentimental kind of person and I like to think that I won't truly be by myself.

Note: While I write this Im listening to a mix posted on his website. If his show is going to be anything like this, its going to be an incredible experience. Check it out. Seriously.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Top Secret.

If you enjoy electro/techno mixes then your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to start up iTunes and search for Benny Benassi in the Podcast section. It is there where you will find a mix he supposedly did for Flawless Sound. Download it and play it at top volume. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Of Drums and Buckets.

I greatly enjoy art and admire artists. Art to me is anything mundane that has been transformed into something thought provoking, emotionally stimulating and inspirational. I especially love it when new forms of art are being created. Anybody can expand on something that has been already created but to start something new all together is a truly special thing.

A recently featured video on YouTube features New Yorks Larry Wright who turns ordinary buckets of all kinds into drums. I will admit that this idea certainly isn't new. Poor kids worldwide with a beat in their head will find a good bucket to release them on. History will certainly support the connection between the invention of pottery and the invention of percussion. Larry Wright however uses his absolutely amazing talent to busk with. The idea of using any piece of plastic junk to make a little money with is certainly a very novel idea. One that will spread quickly.

Indeed the very day I first found out about Larry I happened to spend the night on Whyte Ave where I came across a busker who was clearly influenced by the New York Street Drummer. His drums were all pulled out of garbage bins and neatly strapped together with duct tape to form his own drum set. Predictably the only thing missing was any sort of talent. Whyte Ave was graced with the sounds of one whole drum beat for practically the entire night. As quickly as art is created it is defiled. So sad.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


I mentioned in a previous post that Champion has to be the best live experience I have ever had. Its a close call but Z-Trip at the Starlight Room last thursday is a very strong contender. Heard that night before an absolutely ravenous crowd were the likes of Aerosmith, ACDC, Metallica, John Mellencamp, Jimi Hendrix, Gun's N Roses, Nirvana and even Johnny Cash. All of this in between Hip Hop, Disco, House and even Drum N Bass. It doesn't sound like a very hot mix but you had to be there. It worked and worked very well. Many times Z-Trip picked up the mic and let us know we were the dopest crowd he has seen yet and I fully believe him. There was not one body sitting still that night and every dip in the volume was immediately replaced by hundreds of voices. Our energy certainly kept him going and he continued to play after three consecutive encores. By then I had to consider getting my sorry ass to work and never got to see how it ended. I was seriously considering calling in sick but I showed up with limp legs, no sleep and no voice. Even if you don't like dj's or electronic music I still strongly urge everyone to go catch his next show, you will not be disapointed.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ear Worm of the Day

Todays insanely addictive earworm comes from Pythagora Switch, an incredible Japanese children show which features Rube Goldberg Devices in its transitions. The clever use of these machines have gained the show international attention but it was the "Algorithm March" that really turned the show into a true phenomena. The steps to this crazy little dance are taught by two of the shows actors then recreated in larger groups (My personal favourite: the Ninja's). Its become so popular that you can see it being performed in places like a public square in Stockholm, a Prison in the Philippines, and even the South Pole. It is the theme to this dance that got stuck in my head today and refused to die (I don't even know Japanese). Yet I can't help thinking to myself; do I really want it too? It is decidedly better than MmmBop.

"I wonder if it will end soon . . ."
Update: There's a laughably well done remix!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"Guardian Angel"

This is a picture Tomena made for me for my last birthday, it perfectly represents the kind of friendship we had. I promise not to go on and on about her but this was something I had to share.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Rest in Peace

Tomena Courtepatte
April 6, 1979- April 11, 2007

This is the hardest thing I have ever had to write in my life. This blog exists because of Tomena. I knew she read it religiously and I always looked forward to her input. After pestering me for the longest time I finally enabled the comments feature. As you can see she never got to enjoy it.

Tomena and I have been friends for a long time. We met in highschool and dated for quite a while. Only she could have told you precisely how long. She was a beautiful artistic girl with a thing for dance music and anime. As soon as I took an interest in her she reciprocated it ten fold. We were dating in no time at all and were very rarely apart. She loved the fact that I played guitar and has always been the driving force behind my music. After some time it became clear that her deep world of anime was begining to have a major influence on her personality. Her penchant for drama (real or imagined) was becoming too much for me and in the end I broke it off. It was a devastating loss for her and she stalked me for months following. I can't say that she ever really got over it but she has managed to live with it. It is said that a friendship can never work after a relationship and I highly disagree. No girl to this day understood me more than her and likewise I could read her like a book. We have been through a lot together and were always very close.

Her love of dance music began to have an effect on me from the very begining. I've always listened to rock and metal but everytime I went to visit her she would be playing happy hardcore or trance. I hated it at first but it grew on me. She opened my eyes to the world of djing and as soon as I started getting involved she was absolutely ecstatic. She took great pride in being my mentor and constantly motivated me. She was going to be my manager if I wanted it or not. There was not a show Ive done that she missed and only one recording Ive made that she has not heard (It was a surprise especially for her.) My latest mix was put together because she requested it. She listened to it constantly in the hospital.

Tomena was stricken by a rare hereditary blood disease that, to the best of my knowledge, is both undetectable and technically incurable. In most cases the body tends to heal itself of this condition (as was the case with an Aunt of hers) and this is where we put our hope. The whole ordeal for her was a mere inconvience. Actually it was a huge inconvenience but she soaked in the attention and made plans for her return to a normal life. I planned to dj for her welcome home party. It ended up being her service.

My loss compares nothing to that of her family and her fiance. My thoughts and prayers are with them. She loved her whole family and was especially close to both her sisters and her mother. Needless to say that she will be very deeply missed by us all.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Some of the best news I've recieved in quite a while arrived within mere minutes of each other.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


I cannot express to you the experience that was Champion at the Dinwoodie Lounge on Thursday night. I was never the biggest fan and attended the show because of its relevance and the potential for a memorable performance. Memorable doesn't even begin to describe it. Champion simply was the most amazing musical experience of my life.

Like anybody who heard "No Heaven" the first single off the amazingly succesful album "Chill Em All" I slowly began to take an interest in this band. After hearing the third track "Nggg" I was completely hooked and decided I needed to know absolutely everything about them. I was a little surprised at what I found. Champion is actually an established DJ in Montreal who recorded an electronic album (and plays live) with five different guitarists. Five.

However, without a little background knowledge, hearing the album in its entirety will be something of a dissapointment. Once the novelty of an electronic album made with guitars wears off, you are left with an extremely downtempo and rather repetative recording. I wouldn't recommend listening to it in the car but I would suggest at least one solid listen, if not to familiarize yourself with every song. This disc will make perfect sense to you when you see it recreated live. Every song will not only be brought back to life but with so much more energy then heard on the disc. Make no mistake, Champion is the brainchild of a DJ and the show is run like a proper club set.

If you are at all a fan of any type of electronic music, or even independent music, Champion is an absolute must see. What you will see and experience live will floor you. Take a couple of friends and prepare to dance every last drop of moisture out of your system.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


It was only a matter of time before parcour mockumentaries started showing up and indeed that time has come. To be honest I was a little looking forward to it. Im not a freerunner nor am I involved in the community in any way but Im a big fan and Im truly interested in whats happening in the scene. Im not at all offended by these mockumentaries and I don't think anybody else should be either. I personally believe that it is important as a human being to be able to get off your high horse every once in a while and have a good laugh at yourself. The internet is quickly filling up with showreels and freerunning performances from all around the world and its getting to a point where we take ourselves a little too seriously. Its time to get a little grounded and put things in perspective. With all that said I present to you my favourite video to come along thus far: Parcours

Saturday, March 24, 2007


As a dj Myspace has been an invaluable tool. Though I still have few friends I can clearly see the potential for some fairly decent exposure. It has also proven itself to be a great place to connect with other musicians and discover new music from around the world (I really should recieve a paycheque for this) Here are a few artists that I've come across that are well worth checking out:

Ronnie Smalls: Though he doesn't have any posted music this undiscovered rap artist out of Ontario is highly worth mentioning. We have been conversing back and forth and after sending me some of his music I have agreed to produce a few tracks for him. Ronnie's thing is to rap over DnB and its a unique combination that not only works but has recently been getting him some much deserved attention.

Nathan Profitt: A phenomenal trance dj/producer out of the states who actually messaged me first looking for an add. His production work is absolutely top notch and considering his success on myspace its a true wonder he is not yet signed to major label and doing world tours. I can personally tell you that he lives up to his free Mp3 offer and his mix "Bonzai Worx" is highly worth downloading if you enjoy uplifting trance at all.

Stikka: Having family in Holland I figured there may be a small possibility of playing there. If it ever came to pass I figured I should at least have a few friends there who enjoy club music as much as I do. This is how I came across Satisfactions page. Satisfaction is one of three members of "Stikka" a band that produces some very slick electro tunes. This band perfectly represents a little bit of everything I've come to enjoy about electronic music. How come we don't have a band like this is Edmonton?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thanks Q-Tip

Found in my hotmail inbox:

In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name and a generic name. For example, the trade name of Tylenol also has a generic name of Acetaminophen. Aleve is also called Naproxen. Amoxil is also called Amoxicillin and Advil is also called Ibuprofen.

The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.

Pfizer Corp announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the names of "cocktails", "highballs" and just a good old-fashioned "stiff drink". Pepsi will market the new concoction by the name of: MOUNT &DO.

Thought for the day: There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research. This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Tomena scored herself sneak preview tickets to see 300. Lucky Girl.

edgecrusher2k7 says (3:54 PM):
just don't spoil it for me
Kosei Hino says (3:54 PM):
i wont
edgecrusher2k7 says (3:54 PM):
for now ill remain a 300 virgin
Kosei Hino says (3:54 PM):
edgecrusher2k7 says (3:54 PM):
im just waiting for the right moment
that special someone to do it with
edgecrusher2k7 says (3:55 PM):
probably my cousin

Friday, February 23, 2007

Shock and Awe

I aint done got me a new cd in ages:

Benassi's show was incredible and I have wanted for some time to post a proper review. My only problem was that I couldnt put to words what I heard that night. It was something of a departure from his usual sets, but what exactly was it? The tour was in support of his new cd Cooking for Pump-Kin so to gather insiration I decided to at least pick it up and give it a listen. Now I can't stop. Its the usual deep bass driven house that has become his signature sound but now deeply infused with trance influences. Right? I can't tell you, this something you have to listen to for yourself. All I can say is that its insanely addictive and like nothing Ive ever heard before.

Taken from the liner notes:

"I wanted to do this tour across Canada in a bus and not by plane to get to know the country a little better. I've played my sets in various towns over the past few years and I've always wanted to come back and explore. I also thought it would be a good idea to have a kind of souvenir of my canadian journey to share with all the people who come out to party when I play. Thats the reason behind this compilation."

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Oh yeah, about my lack of entries recently . . .

Get ready for an update yall, here it comes . . . .

Benny Benassi: Rox Ma Sox. Lost my partner in crime before the show even started and went solo. Waited in line for most of the night out in the cold (One giant middle finger goes out to security and management at the Fever Nightclub for making this a regular occurance). Had some drinks, danced like an idiot and got hit on by some drunk chicks. Went home, showered, ate then went to work. Signed in while still half deaf.

Cradle of Filth: Thanks to View magazine I got myself on the guest list and bypassed one of the biggest, slowest lineups Ive seen all year (Another giant middle finger goes out to security and management at the Edmonton Events Center for making this a regular occurance) . Got first dibs on the merch and choice seats in the beer garden. Lost my partner in crime in the mosh pit and enjoyed the rest of the show from the relative safety of the beer garden. Got hit on by some drunk chick. Went home, showered, napped, ate then went to work. Signed in while still half deaf.

Mikes 30th: Spent with the coolest guys I work with and had a complete blast. It included pool, some fine mini golfin and a round of laser tag. We hit Whyte ave where we met up with the boss and got drank nearly under the table. Got hit on by a drunk chick. Caught a cab, went to work and had a quick nap in the change room. Signed in while still half deaf and very possibly still under the influence. (Happy birthday Mike, I will be a 90 year old alzheimers patient and still remember that night.)

Up Next: Return of the A-Team . . .

Friday, January 19, 2007

Done and Done

Thanks to a bout of sleeplessness I have finally completed something I have been trying all week to accomplish: Record my very first mix. Its almost 60 minutes long and features the likes of Korn, Orgy, Mobile and even U2. This was probably in an effort to win over some of my friends who predominantly listen to rock. However they are all awesome remixes and thanks to a few other choice cuts and and a very carefully selected song order the cd has an amazing flow and lots of energy. Until I can find a good place to host the mp3 you'll have to get the file directly from me at If you know me personally then I probably already dropped a couple of copies in your mailbox. Just kidding. Sort of.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Is it just me . . .

I was turned on to Lisa Lashes by an online friend who happens to be a huge fan. Lisa Lashes is a phenomenal dj and I truly regret missing what was sure to be an amazing show. A recently acquired bootleg has been keeping my car stereo busy for sometime now and in this particular mix there is one song that stands out. It contains a sample of a speech so full of dramatic pauses that even George W. Bush himself is put to shame. I have recreated the speech for you here and cut it up according to these insanely long pauses:

We have learned.
That war.
Is not necessarily.
And if we can neither.
Answer all questions nor solve.
All problems.
We cannot afford to do.
As we meet the future.
So together.
In a spirit.
Of individual sacrifice for the common good.
We must.
Do our best.

Firstly: Does anybody know where this speech is from? Secondly: Is it not the most cliched, contrived, nonsensical, half-assed speech you've ever read in your life?